Saturday, March 27, 2010

Liberty of London

So, despite my countdown to the Liberty of London debut at Target....I ended up engrossed in a deadline and missed it entirely. Couldn't even buy anything online. All sold out. The bed sheets I wanted--gone.

What does this have to do with Fancy Green? Well, Liberty of London is a seriously fancy store. I love their fabrics - ultra thin, super fancy soft soft soft cotton. The Target branded Liberty apparel isn't made out of organic or sustainable material, but if the clothing is anything like the Liberty items I've owned forever then that's a good thing. If you can buy a garment and wear it for 20 years, that's eco too, because you're not buying more clothes or throwing away clothes. And, when you buy top quality clothes, you can recycle them by passing them on to a friend or selling them at a garage sale. (At least that's my justification.)

Here's my Liberty blouse and my favorite little cosmetic bag (I use it to carry my essential oils with me when I travel). I've had both for 10? 15? years.

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