Saturday, November 15, 2008

Recycle Inkjet Cartridges

There's nothing worse than having my inkjet cartridge poop out on me in the middle of printing my final manuscript. I want to throw it into the garbage in anger. Then I get mad at myself for not keeping 3 or 4 on hand, but I can't do that because I hate buying in bulk. I'm afraid that if I do, I'll die, and my tiny condo closets will be filled with rolls of toilet paper, inkjet cartridges from all the printers I had to get rid of because they didn't work so I never even opened the cartridges, all the inkjet cartridges for my current printer, and dozens of bars of Dr. Bronner's soap. And can I trust my survivors to use these items? Yes, if my friends find me. No way if the people in my building find me -- they'll just toss it all in the garbage. I could never rest in peace knowing that my death contributed to my local landfill (or worse, my garbage gets transported to an out of state landfill).

So, back on topic. I hate when that happens. So does my boyfriend because when we have to circle the Office Depot store five times before we can find a place to park, I yell at him for telling me how to drive. Then I pull over and yell at him some more.

Anyway, long story short -- don't just toss your spent cartridges. Visit our web site to find where you can drop them off or mail them in to be recycled. If you have more ideas than we do, please share!

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Beanie La Femme, part deux

Not too long ago, I wrote about my favorite beanie, Beanie La Femme, made my Indigenous Designs. I've been wearing mine around all day, every day. On walks, to the store, out with friends. (I save my second BLF for BLF club meetings.) I've been spreading the BLF love to my friends on Facebook, too, and have started new chapters of my BLF club in South Dakota and Minnesota. Get yours now, send me a photo, and I'll post it here. Hurry, they may run out soon.

Check out the site for reviews of more beanies and hats.....we're posting more every two weeks!

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What's Your Water Footprint?

So just how much water do you waste? We don't have an endless supply, you know!

I read in Body & Soul that "according to the Food & Water Watch, the average American uses 1,190.5 gallons of water a day." A DAY. We all need to stop that. Drink your 8 glasses for health, then find some better ways to clean. For starters, get a front loading, Energy Star rated washing machine. I have a small, European model that uses almost no water and about 1/2 the electricity of a top loader. It also spins my clothes almost dry so that I can simply hang them on a line in my basement or on a folding rack in my living room. Line drying saves energy and prolongs the life of your clothes. Also, don't run a load unless it's full.

Another good idea -- collect rain water with a rain barrel. Use that water to water plants and to wash your car (I use just a drop of Dr. Bronner's soap in a bucket--it's biodegradable).

What else... go to H20 Conserve for more water-saving tips. Every drop counts.

Keep track of U.S. stream flows at

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Beanie La Femme

For those of you who haven't yet read our fancy green reviews.....I'd like to introduce you to Beanie La Femme. Say it a few times: "Beanie La Femme, Beanie La Femme, Beanie La Femme." Doesn't it sound cool? Doesn't it feel good in your mouth to say it? Doesn't is sound like the type of very fancy lid a very fancy lady like you would wear?

I fell in love with mine from the moment I saw the photo in the catalog. Also, because I have a small, cute head, I knew it would look great on me. It's elegant and sassy and stealthy and appropriate for any occasion. Plus, made out of organic cotton and tencel by Indigenous Designs, a fair trade apparel manufacturer based in CA.

My friends and I love BLF so much that we formed a club. We have chapters in two states, WA and MN. I wear mine every day. For hiding bad hair, for power walks, for hanging out with my new BF, for watching movies. I'm wearing one right now as I type. The black one--because it's my badass beanie. My street beanie. I save the ruby colored Beanie La Femme for formal situations and for BLF meetings and events. BLF is perfect for mourning, celebrating, visiting museums, keeping your ears warm, etc.

In the spirit of being both fancy and green, I think you should check out BLF, and apply to be in my club. Read the review on our main site, contact us with a nice message we can forward to the company, then order one!!! They're hard to find online, but if you visit the manufacturer's site and can't find one, call them and order one. Tell them Erika from Fancy Green sent you. I've included a few photos, but I'm looking puffy and old today -- not the best model for this fabulosa hat.

P.S. I also love my flower hat. Check our site for more info.
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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Goodbye, Paul

Weird, I knew that Paul Newman was ill, but wasn't really thinking about him on Thursday night when I returned home from my vacation and had to go to the store late at night to get food. I picked up a few organic bananas, then wandered toward the snack aisles. I never buy cookies, but spotted a bag of Newman's Own Organics Alphabet Cookies (PN's daughter's company). They're wheat-free, dairy-free, and chocolate!!! And delicious. I ate the entire bag in about ten minutes. Now I've just read an article about his death yesterday from cancer. So I like to think of my late night cookie binge as my own little tribute to an incredible person who donated $200 million dollars to charitable organizations during his lifetime. Nice work!

So, if you're looking for something to do this weekend, why not have a Newman retrospective. Rent Cool Hand Luke, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, the Hustler, etc -- and make sure you have plenty of Alphabet Cookies, a nice salad topped with his dressing, maybe some chips with his salsa. You can even get your dog some organic dog food. Read more about Paul and his charitable work.

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Coming in October

Hello! I've been on vacation, but I'm back and excited as ever to get all green and fancy. We've been wear testing a variety of eco items for our October issue of Fancy Green, including: an organic cotton top from Mountain Hardwear, organic cotton knee socks from Rock n Socks, some very fancy eco fabric capri pants from Ailin, cute purple hemp pants from Sunia Natural Fibers, recycled (and recyclable) food storage containers from Preserve, natural face care product from Dr. Hauschka, a yoga skort by Beckons Organics, and more.....

Check the site after October 1 for new reviews.....

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When to Buy Organic

We all know that organic food is the healthiest choice, but for those of us living on a budget (or less), it's hard to justify the price sometimes.

So, I did some checking. If you can't fill your cotton shopping bag with organic goodies, at least you can know which products have the most/least pesticide residue.

According to Care2, the produce with the lowest pesticide issues: onions, avocados, frozen sweet corn, pineapples, and mangos.

Here are the products with the highest residue (ie, go organic on these items): peaches and nectarines, apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, and strawberries.

Bon appetit!

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I'm Back

Hello, sorry I haven't blogged at all lately. I have two excuses:

1) I'm writing a book, and have a deadline in a couple of weeks. The book is The Party of Your Life: Get the Funeral You Want and Deserve by Planning it Yourself. It's a humorous guide to making sure your last party is your best party. The book also contains a lot of info about green burial and exit options.

If you'd like to be contacted when the book is in stores, please sign the guestbook on Fancy Green. It's listed on Amazon now, but won't be available until Feb 09, so you can also pre-order. In fact, they're already discounting it! What's with that. Anyway, click here to see it: The Party of Your Life

2) I'm addicted to Facebook. Some old friends roped me in, and I've been in an ongoing discussion with them about things that happened in the small town we all grew up in (well, we were raised there; I'm not sure we've all "grown up") 20, 30 years ago.

Look for more activity in October. Also, check our site for fancy eco clothing.......In Sept, we'll have eco kitchen products by Recycline, eco yoga gear, and more.....In Oct -- eco footwear, eco beanies, and more.............

Send us ideas, comments, suggestions, love......... : )

Most of all, tell everyone you know about our site. THANKS.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Reviews on Fancy Green

Check out our main site for reviews of a fancy tote bag from Ella Vickers, natural body products from Noah's Naturals, Aubrey Organics, Dr. Hauschka, men's hemp board shorts from Tinctoria Designs, organic bedding from Gaiam, and more. Please check back again in Sept -- we'll be adding more reviews then.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Of course you already know this -- fancy people bring their own bags to the grocery store.

Reuse the bag from your last visit, keep a canvas tote in your car, wear a backpack, whatever it takes. In Seattle, starting in January, stores will charge 20 cents a bag. Hopefully, they'll eventually ban all bags.

My friend Shannon has a great idea -- donate your extra canvas totes to your local grocery store so that everyone can have a reusable bag.

Check in August for reviews of Envirosax totes.

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Attention: Travelers

Are you a green traveler? Do you have a favorite eco resort? What's your favorite hiking trail? Write an essay about it and win lots of nice prizes from fancy outdoor companies.

See details at:

Deadline -- August 15th.

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Clap Your Hands if You Love Beanies

I review a lot of gear -- everything from hiking boots and rain jackets for my other website to organic denim and recycled stainless steel jewelry for Fancy Green. Last summer was the summer of the skort. I couldn't get enough of them. This summer - all about skirts. This fall - it's going to be all about beanies.

I have a small, cute head that's perfect for hats, especially beanies. Currently, I'm loving the Sube Sube beanie from Chaos. In the coming months I'll be reviewing beanies from Debra Linquist, Indigneous Designs, and other fancy fair trade companies.

If you have a favorite beanie, please tell me about it. Better yet, send a photo of yourself  in your beanie, and I'll post it on my site.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Stewart & Brown

Stewart & Brown is one of the first eco fashion companies I discovered. I love their super soft cotton tops. Coming in Sept, we'll be featuring reviews of items from their fall line.
For now, don't miss this episode of It's Easy Being Green, which features the founders of Stewart & Brown and gives a lot of good info about how to start an eco-friendly apparel company:

Here's an interview with founders:

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tips are For Sissies

From our main site,

Choices and Changes

Tips about greening your life are everywhere. They're in magazines, newspapers, books, the evening news. They're all over the web.

But what is a tip, really? It's a polite suggestion. It's helpful, but there's no urgency in a tip. There's no sense of responsibility in a tip. Tips are optional.

At Fancy Green, we expect more from our readers. Our planet is in peril. We can't waste time with tips; we need action. We all have to do our part to make the CHOICES that will lead to real CHANGE. And fast.

Stay tuned for our Choices and Changes section---we'll be adding to this section to our main site in Sept.

In the meantime, contact us with the choices you've made for change.

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Why Didn't We Listen???

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What I'm Looking For

Ok. I finally found Rogan Gregory on tape -- just for a second, in a clip from the Today show featuring Edun clothing, an eco fashion line founded by Bono and his wife Ali Hewson and designed by Gregory. Edun (nude spelled backward) is all about fair trade; the clothing is produced in Africa.

Block out Katie Couric, and watch this clip. You'll like it. These clothes rock as hard as Bono does:

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A Little Lesson on Organic Cotton

I was searching YouTube for a video of Rogan Gregory, who designs Loomstate's fabulously fancy organic fashions. Didn't find what I was looking for, but did find a Loomstate video that has a good little lesson on cotton growing! Organic cotton makes gorgeous jeans, but it's also good for cows, owls, rats, snakes, and other pest-eating creatures.

Watch and learn:

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Certaintees: "Wearable Wisdom"

Having eco creds isn't just about fair trade and sustainable materials. You have to give back, too. Certaintees, a "tee shirt collection with persuasive imagery that is socially positive and environmentally responsible" has as many non-profit partners as it does t-shirt collections. Their six partners are:,,,,,

You can read more about these partners on the Certainees site.

You can read a review of a fancy Certaintees bamboo/organic cotton blend tee at our home site,

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Monday, June 30, 2008

Attention Eco Travelers

Are you a green traveler? Do you have a favorite eco resort? Write an essay about it and win lots of nice prizes from fancy outdoor companies.

See details at:

Also --- don't forget to take our brief eco poll -- scroll down the right column to find it. Thanks. We want to hear from you.

Now I'm off on vacation, so no more posts for a week..... : )

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Eco Apparel, Footwear & Bag Reviews

Check out our main site for reviews of eco-friendly apparel by Kavu, shoes by Keen, and bags by EcoTech and EcoGear. We'll also be adding more reviews at the end of the week.

Also later this week, check out our sister site, for reviews of outdoor, fitness, travel, and street gear from: Keen, Rockport, Isis, Crumpler Bags, and more.

P.S. Don't forget to take our eco poll -- scroll down -- lower right column. : )

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

I'm Horny Nau

It's Christmas in June for all of us who loved Nau's super stylish urban gear that doubled as super effective outdoor gear. They're baaaack. Horny Toad Activewear, another of my favorite apparel companies, has aquired Nau. Funny coincidence, I was wearing my Horny Toad killer black dress when I heard the news. So, I'm Horny Nau. Bring on the fall lines. Hopefully we'll be reviewing and featuring gear from both companies on in our Sept and Oct issues.

I have no time to write more today, but will include a press release and a blurb from Treehugger to get you up-to-date right Nau.

Press Release

What Nau?
Nau brand.gets new life as Horny Toad Activewear, Inc. acquires its assets

PORTLAND, OR, June 24, 2008 —Horny Toad Activewear, Inc. is proud to announce that it has acquired the Nau brand. Six weeks ago, on May 2, 2008, Nau, Inc. announced it was closing shop due to an inability to secure additional financing. That event triggered an overwhelming response from Nau’s customers who recognized the value associated with Nau’s product, brand and pioneering work in the arena of sustainability.

Their response, and a deep belief in what Nau represents, inspired a small group of now former Nau employees to see if they could pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and take another shot at this thing Nau, Inc. is pleased to announce that Horny Toad, a like-minded, entrepreneurial Santa Barbara-based lifestyle apparel company, has stepped forward and purchased the bulk of its remaining assets. Horny Toad believes in Nau’s underlying ethos and is committed to continuing the key components of the Nau brand: its product, its core philosophies and its customer and community relationships.

“We’re still committed to being a catalyst for positive change and bringing distinctive product to our customers,” said Mark Galbraith, who now works for the new company as Nau’s head of Product Design. “We plan to re-open with a new Fall/Holiday 2008 collection that continues to reflect the design philosophy Nau’s customers have come to know and love - a balance of Beauty, Performance and Sustainability.” As in the past, Nau will source materials and produce garments in the most environmentally-sensitive manner available and continue to work with manufacturing partners to push the envelope in all areas of social and environmental responsibility.

The new Nau (we’ll call it version 2.0) will launch on August 1, 2008 as a new and separate company benefiting from operational support and experience provided by Horny Toad, its new parent company. This will include a transition of fulfillment and logistic services to Horny Toad’s social venture partners, Planet Access. “We’re thrilled to find a partner who both recognizes and values the unique nature of what we’ve created and is committed to supporting the growth of our business over the long term,” said Ian Yolles, who was hired by Horny Toad as Nau’s head of Marketing.

According to Gordon Seabury, CEO of Horny Toad, “We saw in Nau an innovative brand representing the perfect blend of outdoor, urban fashion sensibility with an unwavering commitment to sustainability. It is all about their innovative product, authentic brand and most importantly the talented group behind those attributes. Our long term vision is to create a family of complimentary brands that can learn from one another while embodying a do the right thing philosophy.” Horny Toad has also pioneered an experimental retail concept in Portland, OR. The Lizard Lounge is one part retail venue and one part urban social hub that carries a variety of lifestyle apparel brands.

Nau will re-emerge with a smaller core team focused on product and brand development. Its products will continue to be sold through its website,, but rather than continuing to sell through its own retail outlets, Nau will begin partnering with other select, like-minded retailers. In Portland, the plan will be to introduce Nau at the Lizard Lounge in Fall ’08.

Most importantly, Nau will hold on to the vision that formed the essence of its distinctive brand. Therefore, Horny Toad is committed to maintaining and evolving Nau's Partners for Change program to continue giving a percentage of every sale to organizations working for positive change, and as always, involving customers directly in that giving process.

In the mean time the old Nau, Nau Inc. (we’ll call it version 1.0) will continue to sell the remainder of its Spring/Summer line at reduced prices into the month of July at During this period, Nau version 1.0 will not offer any returns or exchanges.

As part of the version 2.0 re-launch one of the first tasks will be to reignite Nau’s blog, The Thought Kitchen ( Serving as Nau’s first public face when it was posted back in August of 2005, the blog will continue as a place where people can learn about and discuss Nau’s progress—among many, many other topics.

So stay tuned. Nau will be reorganizing, consolidating and working like hell to get everything in place for their fall launch.

“We’re so pleased to have a second chance to make the Nau concept work. It seemed like such a shame to lose a brand that had harnessed so much enthusiasm and passion and talent and had resonated with so many in such a short amount of time,” said Hal Arneson, whom Horny Toad hired as Nau’s Creative Director. “Now, we have a new lease on life. We’re confident with the help of our new colleagues at Horny Toad, many of whom we’ve worked with in the past and known for years, we can achieve our potential and grow this business into an enduring, innovative enterprise. Stay tuned!”

About Nau
Nau, Inc., headquartered in Portland, OR, is a technical and lifestyle outdoor apparel company dedicated to making unique, stylish and highly functional clothing in the most environmentally and socially responsible manner possible. Nau was founded in 2005 by a seasoned team with deep experience in the outdoor, fitness and retail fashion industries with brands such as Patagonia, Nike and The Body Shop. It introduced its first line of clothing in March of 2007 and is currently selling its third season. Nau, Inc. operates an ecommerce site at and a blog for like-minded individuals interested in sharing ideas about positive change, the Thought Kitchen (both of which were acquired by Horny Toad as part of the acquisition of Nau's assets).

About Horny Toad
Based in Santa Barbara a Frisbee throw to the beach, Horny Toad makes active lifestyle apparel for all genders. “Every day is an adventure” is the fuel for unique clothing designs and a darn good way of life that includes taking fun seriously. Toad culture thrives on community involvement, sustainability and looking for new ways to improve how business gets done. To learn more visit or call 800-865-TOAD

About Lizard Lounge
Lizard is called Lounge because ‘store’ was so wrong. A retail lounge and social hub located in the Portland’s Pearl District – a place for the hunters and gatherers of today to kick back and enjoy shopping- and life-off-line. This unique multi-use space houses a cool mixture of men’s and women’s clothing, denim, sunglasses, bags and shoes along with live music, local artists, free wireless, an iMac bar and ping pong. Come in, hang out, have some coffee, look around. 1323 NW Irving Street. 503.416.7476. Check out


Here's a complete article from Treehugger:
Yep, it seems like a phoenix, Nau will rise from the ashes. Six weeks ago the eco outdoor apparel company, that some had dubbed ‘Patagonia-meets-Prada’, closed its doors due to a venture capital drought. But today the company has officially announced, to paraphrase Arnie, “We’ll be back.”

It won’t be quite as it was, and won’t make an immediate return, but Ian Yolles, head of marketing for Nau 1.0, was nevertheless excited to give us the good vibes on Nau 2.0, as he called it. Much more after the fold.

Brand Loyalty
Ian says he felt “deep sadness” at the closure of Nau 1.0. But was consoled to some degree by “the outpouring of feeling on our blog, the flood of emails we received. It was inspiring, It was moving.” We get the impression that this remarkable customer loyalty was in part the impetus that nudged Ian and others to get on the phone and see if Nau could be rescued. “It wasn’t just the brand, or the product, (both of which we knew had value) that these customers were responding to, it was like they’d also connected to a larger idea,” He explained. “Their incredible response has been so emotional and articulate.”

For Ian Yolles this was the hardest part. "I felt like I was occupying two realities. In one there was this profound shock of a company closing down. Yet in this other, these customers communicating their passion for what the same company stood for."

So a small group of recently ex-Nau employees, including Ian, and head of design, Mark Galbraith, started looking for existing apparel companies to plug into.

Ian was surprised with how quickly their calls were returned. “I didn’t have explain who Nau was. Most people said ‘We’ve been watching you’, ‘We’ve been studying what you’ve been doing.’ ” Many said they weren’t in position to help. But leads were pursued, and “A few days ago, a deal was closed, a lifestyle apparel company based in Santa Barbara, California, bought the rights to the Nau brand. That company is Horny Toad.”

Cosying up with Horny Toad

Horny Toad
Horny Toad, while not at first glance an expected match, do have symbiosis with Nau. They have an outdoor heritage, but make apparel for urban wear. They have an environmental and social conscience (some of their lines are made from organic cotton and Tencel, they buy renewable energy from their utility, 3 Degrees, and they were instrumental in creating the Planet Access Company - a shipping logistics firm who provides paid work and employment training opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities.) Ian said Horny Toad, whom he described as a very entrepreneurial and successful brand in their own right, will operate Nau as an autonomous brand. He is hopeful that with Horny Toad's committed backing, the Nau brand will have the opportunity to grow more 'organically', without the added business pressure of chasing ongoing rounds of external funding.

Nau Team
Whilst Horny Toad is headquartered down in Calfornia, Nau will remain in Portland, Oregon, and operate with a small team, initially of ex-Nau employees, growing to a group of about a dozen. This will include Ian and Mark, as well as Peter Kallen, (menswear desiger for Nau 1.0), Hal Arneson, (creative director), Jamie Bainbridge, (materials sourcing) and Andrew Barrett (supply chain). Lisa Street, who designed the women’s line as a contractor will also return to the fold. A new general manager, Jolie Giese, not formerly from Nau, has been appointed by Horny Toad.

We asked Ian what was likely to change from the Nau experience that people had known. “Distribution will be the main difference. We wont have our own stores, although we’ll continue to sell through our website [albeit a more user responsive one, we’re told]. And we’ll establish a wholesale channel.” We asked if this meant the brand would be sold through clothing or outdoor stores? Both, by the sound of it. “Select, progressive outdoor dealers and urban boutique retailers,” according to Ian. “Stores that get functional and stylish.” As an example of such beasts, he cited Horny Toad’s own Lizard Lounge, which fortuitously happens to be Portland, complete with ping pong table and an iMac bar!

Partners for Change
We wondered if Nau would retain their Partners for Change program? “The team are committed to the three cornerstones of Partners for Change - corporate philanthropy, customer direct giving and meaningful relationships with partners beyond the simple act of philanthropy,” said Ian Yolles. However, because they won’t have their own stores with a local geographic presence there may need to be a reduction in the total number of partners. And initially they might not be back to full 5% of purchases being donated to worthy causes. But Ian was adamant that whatever restructuring the program did receive, it would remain an industry leader.

The current Nau 1.0 website will remain selling product, probably until about 30 July 08. (Get those bargains while they last!) The sale of the original Nau's assets to Horny Toad, and the clearance sale of the spring and summer line is helping pay out remaining creditors. The new clean slate Nau 2.0 will come into effect from 1 August. However, because everything has been in a holding pattern for the past six weeks, the team have to restart the engines of production. Optimistically they figure they might, by October 2008, be selling the Fall/Holiday line, which had already been designed long ago. The Nau corporate blog, The Thought Kitchen, will keep customers engaged and informed on progress in the intervening period.

The Product
Apparently people like quality, tailored garments made of recycled polyester, organic cotton. corn starch and merino wool. Ian told us that from the day of the closing announcement, that Nau sales have gone through the roof. That, even at 50% off, revenue is greater than it ever was before. He does admit the reduced price helps here, but also feels that it has provided an opportunity for people to try the clothing and to pick up what many considered ‘collectors items.’ But on top of this he thinks that with more of the apparel being worn, a sort of tipping point has resulted, with a very positive spike in word-of-mouth interest.

Will this last through until October? Hard to say. But Ian observes that “A lot of people are rooting for us, wanting us to succeed. A lot of people really dig the product.”

It is conceivable there will be some rationalisation in the number of styles offered, and the planned Nau luggage range will have to sit on the shelf a while longer, as a few business necessities get sorted first. “Even though we weren’t on the Nau payroll any longer, we’ve been working fulltime for the best part of six weeks to get this result. But we now have a lot more work to do.” Apparently their materials suppliers and production houses have been very supportive, so they might just get some of their distinctive apparel back in the market soon.

But Ian thinks we’ll be impressed when it does eventually arrive. “The Fall line is amazing. It’s very strong. The product just keeps getting better each season.”

Ian informed us of some off-the-record conversations he’d had regarding the impact that Nau had had on the broader apparel and outdoor industry. Some remarkable influence in the most surprising of spaces. It was this inspirational reach of the Nau brand and its ethos that so captivated its customers, who in turn encouraged the ex-staffers to keep the dream alive.

And hats off to Horny Toad for their vision and gumption in getting behind the Nau concept, its team and the brand’s devoted customers. Seems like Horny Toad live their own ideals too. This quote taken from their catalogue:
Go out on a limb. That’s where the fruit is.
::Horny Toad

PS. If you’ve read this far and aren’t quite sure what it all the fuss is about, try this post for more background info and links than you could possibly desire!

NB: of course, much of the above might change as Nau version 2 gets under way. It is very early days for this recreated company.

Bike and hot tub image found on Horny Toad website. Clothing images from Nau website.

click here to see full version with photos

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