Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When to Buy Organic

We all know that organic food is the healthiest choice, but for those of us living on a budget (or less), it's hard to justify the price sometimes.

So, I did some checking. If you can't fill your cotton shopping bag with organic goodies, at least you can know which products have the most/least pesticide residue.

According to Care2, the produce with the lowest pesticide issues: onions, avocados, frozen sweet corn, pineapples, and mangos.

Here are the products with the highest residue (ie, go organic on these items): peaches and nectarines, apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, and strawberries.

Bon appetit!

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I'm Back

Hello, sorry I haven't blogged at all lately. I have two excuses:

1) I'm writing a book, and have a deadline in a couple of weeks. The book is The Party of Your Life: Get the Funeral You Want and Deserve by Planning it Yourself. It's a humorous guide to making sure your last party is your best party. The book also contains a lot of info about green burial and exit options.

If you'd like to be contacted when the book is in stores, please sign the guestbook on Fancy Green. It's listed on Amazon now, but won't be available until Feb 09, so you can also pre-order. In fact, they're already discounting it! What's with that. Anyway, click here to see it: The Party of Your Life

2) I'm addicted to Facebook. Some old friends roped me in, and I've been in an ongoing discussion with them about things that happened in the small town we all grew up in (well, we were raised there; I'm not sure we've all "grown up") 20, 30 years ago.

Look for more activity in October. Also, check our site for fancy eco clothing.......In Sept, we'll have eco kitchen products by Recycline, eco yoga gear, and more.....In Oct -- eco footwear, eco beanies, and more.............

Send us ideas, comments, suggestions, love......... : )

Most of all, tell everyone you know about our site. THANKS.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Reviews on Fancy Green

Check out our main site for reviews of a fancy tote bag from Ella Vickers, natural body products from Noah's Naturals, Aubrey Organics, Dr. Hauschka, men's hemp board shorts from Tinctoria Designs, organic bedding from Gaiam, and more. Please check back again in Sept -- we'll be adding more reviews then.

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