Saturday, January 10, 2009

Be Fancy, Be Dancy

Here's the deal. If we're going to turn over a new green leaf, we also need to practice lovingkindness - toward each other and toward the planet. What better way to encourage people to be fancy and green than make them happy. Dancing is free, dancing is green, dancing creates good will. Watch this awesome YOU Tube video, and fall in love with people. And then go out and spread the word that we all have to live simply and take much better care of our planet.

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Monday, January 5, 2009

The Prius of Tugboats

Read this article about a company making tugboats that use less energy.....(we're only allowed to excerpt the first sentence)

Seattle's Foss Maritime develops "hybrid" tugboats
By Ronald D. White
Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES —For all of its 21st-century advancements, the shipping industry drags a lot of old technology around.Click to read entire article.

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Become a Fancy Green Fan

Dear Readers, how can we have a Fancy Green revolution if we're not organized? We can't. So I ask you-- please, get in touch, send me your comments and suggestions, visit our main site and sign our comments form. And, visit Facebook, search for "Fancy Green." You'll see two pages -- one is FG's personal page, and the other says "Home Living." Click on "Home Living," where you can then click on "Become a Fan."
Then, we have your email address and can let you know when new products are posted to the site. We will not give out your email address to others. And we won't flood your email box with messages -- we're simply not organized enough to be in touch that often.
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Arm Yourself for Fashion

So sorry for the lack of posts......I have so many excuses. One, I have been sick for a month. I'm still sick, but I'm working from bed just to keep you informed of the latest eco fashions. Two, I was snowed in for two weeks. That shouldn't have been an issue since I work from bed, but it was a major distraction. Three, I have developed a full-blown addiction to FaceBook. Anyway, eco fashion....

My current obsession: arm warmers. They look cool, they're perfect with a short-sleeved tee when it's really long-sleeve tee weather, and the feel snuggly (and sexy, depending on the style) on my arms. Knit Mitts are made just a few hours up the road from Fancy Green headquarters by Texture Clothing -- they come in tons of fun colors and in men's and women's sizes. My slinky black arm warmers are made by Foat Desisgn, a Minneapolis-based company that salvages used materials and recycles them into all sorts of fancy garments.

Check them out.

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